
How To Detect AI-generated Content?
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Ways to Identify AI-Generated Content

The release of Chat GPT by Open AI at the end of 2022 became a topic of discussion among academic, marketing, copywriting and advertising professionals worldwide. The artificial intelligence (AI) writing software Chat GPT can compose anything, including blogs, articles, children’s novels, and academic papers. While the debate continues about the ethical applications of this novel technology, content creation services are working diligently to ensure that the public can distinguish between a text written by a machine and one written by a human. There are numerous apps, programmes, and paid services to recognize AI-generated content to some degree. But how trustworthy and precise are they? Let us discuss here along with the operation of AI-detection software, how to detect texts written with the help of AI.

How to Detect AI Written Content

A few AI-detection software knows how to differentiate between AI and human-written text. Plagiarism prevention is the primary goal of detecting AI-written text. It is essential to spot AI written content, especially in the academic setting, as the goal of any educational institution aims to educate students to write efficiently. AI writing software can generate content effortlessly for the undergraduate level, posing a significant challenge to educators attempting to uphold academic standards in their classrooms.

Popular AI-detection software

OpenAI Classifier

OpenAI, the developers of Chat GPT, developed a classifier to assist humans in determining whether an individual or a machine wrote a text. They state that they made it available to spark debates on AI literacy. It provides a probability score indicating the likelihood that a text was written by artificial intelligence, ranking it as extremely unlikely, improbable, unclear, or AI-generated. This product is not advertised as foolproof but as a means for individuals to recognize AI-written content. You must paste the text into the box and select “submit,” and the result will be shown. But it has a limitation- i can identify only one thousand characters. 


CopyLeaks’ AI content detector builds its models using content generated by AI from Jasper, Chat GPT, and others. It intends to continuously update and improve its models as new AI-writing software becomes available. They boast that they are more than 99 percent accurate at distinguishing whether a text was generated by artificial intelligence.

Content at Scale

Content at scale is a significant challenge in AI content creation services, including those offered by OpenAI. These services provide AI authoring capabilities and offer AI detection tools for free. However, it is important to note that relying solely on AI-writing solutions does not guarantee high rankings in SERPs. Quality and relevance remain crucial factors for search engine optimization. Ethical practices and compliance with search engine guidelines are essential when utilizing AI-generated content.

Manually Assessing AI-generated Texts

If you prefer to depend on your skills in assessing the credibility of a piece of writing, you may look for several factors. The things to look into are:

  1. Repetition of words, phrases, or concepts.
  2. Sentences and language that are awkward or unnatural.
  3. Language without any emotion.
  4. Text contains contradictory information with inconsistencies.
  5. Paragraphs with missing unique transitions.
  6. The overall composition may be artificial or devoid of style.
  7. Errors in grammar, missing words, improper punctuation, and capitalization.
  8. Information that is out of date or lacking in current information.
  9. Writing that lacks originality without any interesting text, structure, style or content. 
  10. No citations or hyperlinks or illogical or unreliable hyperlinks and sources.

Exploring the Challenges & Controversies of AI-Written Content

Many academic institutions’ policies on plagiarism state that anything a student does not provide appropriate citations is considered plagiarism. Therefore, students who misuse AI technology for writing their assignments violate plagiarism policies. However, establishing that a student used AI to finish an assignment remains difficult unless the student admits guilt.

Google has stated that AI-generated content and content written purely to manipulate SERP rankings go against their spam policies and will be penalized. However, they also state that they are not concerned with the manner in which content is produced (via AI or otherwise). They aim to “reward high-quality, original content that exhibits expertise, authority, experience, and trustworthiness. This means that content created by humans or artificial intelligence can perform well and rank highly if it satisfies their E-E-A-T criteria.

The takeaway

Ultimately, AI detectors attempt to imitate human intuition by recognizing patterns. Is the text engaging, original, and presented in a distinctive manner? If so, you can be confident that artificial intelligence did not generate it. On the other hand, if you read something predictable and boring, it might have been written by an AI, or it could simply be poor composition. Feel free to get in touch with Opporture, a popular AI company in North America, if you want to identify AI-written content with professional help.

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