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Content Annotation

The Role of Data Annotation in Training ChatGPT

When OpenAI introduced ChatGPT in 2022, it created a near-historical milestone in conversational AI. ChatGPT is one of the most advanced AI chatbots powered by

Learning from Human Feedback: A Guide to Reinforcement Learning

An Intro to RLHF What makes an ordinary text a good one? Well, that is not an easy thing to define because texts are subjective and context-dependent. In recent years, language models have...

The Role of Data Annotation in Training ChatGPT

When OpenAI introduced ChatGPT in 2022, it created a near-historical milestone in conversational AI. ChatGPT is one of the most advanced AI chatbots powered by a highly sophisticated language model...

The Best Guide to Understanding AI-powered Content Moderation

Did you know that around 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are uploaded to the Internet every single day? That is A LOT of data comprising good and bad content. This makes content moderation a growing...

Content Moderation For Social Media: Why You Need it & How It Works

Artificial Intelligence is hogging the limelight. This groundbreaking technology has immense potential waiting to be unleashed across diverse industries and verticals. AI’s capacity for pattern...

Are AI-Voice Assistants Reinforcing Ugly Gender Biases: A Contemplative Analysis

“Alexa, what will the weather be like this afternoon?” “Siri, find me a recipe for low-calorie chia pudding.” “Alexa, find me the best dentist in town.” This is how many of us across North America...

Why Is Content Moderation Important & How Does It Help?

If the content is king, user-generated content is the Emperor that holds power to fortify your brand recognition and trust amongst your users. However, there’s a catch: User-generated content must...

Did You Know Artificial Intelligence Can Read Your Mind?

There are probably more than a dozen movies where AI-powered robots read the human mind, obey their human master, and end up ruling the world. But that’s just fiction. With AI gaining traction at...

AI Democratization & Emerging Trends for 2023

What is the Democratization of Artificial Intelligence? In the most simple words, the Democratization of AI means making AI available for everyone, including those who lack the knowledge and resources...

Learn the ideal ways to keep AI claims in check by FTC

As humans, we have a long history of interacting with objects that blur the line between natural and artificial. Haven’t we all heard of stories of a mound of clay turning into some creature or a...

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