
Repurposing Social Media Content With AI
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AI Powered Repurposing of Social Media Content

Content marketing plays an integral part in digital marketing. Repurposing content for social media platforms is an entirely different endeavor. Adapting various kinds of media like audio, videos, and text to meet the specific requirements of social media is no easy task. This is where AI comes into play. There are numerous methods for enhancing your repurposing content using AI-based content transformation services. Let us discuss a few of the popular ones in this blog. 

Repurposing Social Media Content With the Help of AI Content Transformation

Videos to blogs

Video content has been trending on social media in recent times. It is quite normal for everyone to create a few videos for their YouTube or social media accounts. One of the most effective ways to repurpose content using AI is to convert something solely visual, such as social media posts or YouTube videos, into written content. Depending on the length of your videos, you could convert a single video or an array of multiple videos into a blog in a matter of minutes. But if you ask how you must use advanced AI software that will automatically transcribe its audio. In addition to converting audio to captions, such applications will also generate a full transcription for your video. The stepwise procedure you will have to follow is as follows:

  1. Obtain and paste the transcript into the AI-driven content writing tool. It can be either ChatGPT or Copy.ai.
  2. Utilizing the final outcome on your website, you can boost your Google and SEO rankings.
  3. Remember to include your original video when you publish your blog post.

Lengthy to short form

If you have a lot of blog content in hand, you can repurpose and transform them into smaller content pieces. Using AI, you can take a lengthy piece of content, such as a blog post, and use an AI tool to summarize and compress it into a short form. You can only retain the most important points with the help of AI. This shortened, easier-to-digest content can be used as a copy throughout your digital marketing, such as social media captions, email marketing, and website blurbs.

Titles & headings

One of the most effective strategies for attracting attention and increasing engagement on social media is to add a headline to your videos. You can upload a fantastic video, but if potential viewers cannot immediately determine what is in it, they will likely scroll past it. The problem is that generating catchier, more engaging headlines that include your target keywords can be difficult. AI tools are an excellent method to generate a list of compelling headline options, and you can choose from them. This can also be used to generate blog post titles and topics. Once you’ve used AI to rapidly create a number of headings, you can add them to the video in just one click.

A young woman using social media on her smartphone illustrates AI-powered content moderation for social media.

Extracting essential data 

Text is analyzed by AI tools using complex algorithms and natural language processing procedures to extract important bits of information. You can also use AI to figure out crucial points in any piece of written content. For example, if you want to develop an infographic or listicle for social media, you will need to extract a few essential points from a blog post or other long-form content. The above-discussed method using AI tools could extract essential points that could be used later in carousel posts. 

Creating Guides or E-books With AI Content Transformation

Constructing a lead magnet for your website is always a good idea if you want to boost your digital marketing efforts. You may employ a lead magnet to increase email signups, and it can also function as a resource that can help promote your social media and increase website traffic. Putting off developing a lead magnet can be tempting as it seems like a lot of effort. But when AI is used to repurpose content, even creating a lead magnet becomes easy. You can feed social media posts, blog posts, video transcripts or any written content into an AI writing tool. With a bit of formatting and the assistance of templates, you can build a lead magnet effortlessly.

Wrap up

The sooner you adopt AI, the less time you’ll need to play catch-up in the future. Start repurposing your social media content with the assistance of a reputed AI company like Opporture in North America so that you can concentrate on other essential strategies required to win the social media game.

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