
Digital Content Transformation Challenges & Solutions
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How to Overcome Hurdles in Digital Content Transformation

The publishing sector is confronting a paradox. While people have access to greater quantities of content in recent times, traditional publishers are experiencing a sharp drop in sales. This paradox is easily explained by the fact that more people are consuming content on their mobile phones than as a hard copy. Therefore, publishers must satisfy the demands of the present-day reader. In other words, they must provide digitized content, for which they must implement the technology and alter their conventional business models.

There is a famous saying, ‘The only constant is change’! However, it is a universal truth that people settle into a routine and are usually resistant to change. People and businesses have been compelled to move out of their comfort zones to embrace transformation due to the rapid evolution of technology. This is, however, simpler said than done. Publishers encounter a variety of obstacles. This article examines some obstacles publishers encounter on their digital content transition journey and how reputed content transformation services can save them.

Overcoming Digital Content Transformation Obstacles

Lack of technical expertise

To adopt new technology for digital content transformation, you must be knowledgeable about the latest technology. Even if you conduct research and select the appropriate technology, you will need technical support to implement it. This represents one of the biggest obstacles to the transformation of digital content. One solution is partnering with online publishing firms or content transformation services that can assist with digital content transformation. They help publishers to convert print books, manuscripts and documents into digital or electronic. These digital editions are then accessible on a variety of reading devices, including smartphones and tablets.

Costs associated with digital content transformation

The cost of the endeavour is an additional significant obstacle for publishers on their digitalisation journey. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a cost analysis. Moreover, if you desire to complete the project within the organisation, you must invest in an expert team and the necessary infrastructure. Added to these factors is that science and technology are constantly evolving, necessitating constant investment in upgrading your employees’ skills to adapt your digital assets to the most recent technology. This can be a difficult task, draining your resources and time. The only viable option for publishers is to delegate the digital content transition to content transformation services that can assist with digitalising their assets.

Transforming Publishing with Immersive Technology

One of the most significant challenges hitting the publishing sector is competing with readily accessible, free Internet content. Thus, engaging the declining readership is challenging while traversing different mediums for content distribution. To survive the fierce competition, publishers must abandon conventional structures and adopt innovative business models. They must repackage their content so that it stands out and garners attention. 

Creating highly engaging and interactive content employing modern immersive technology with the help of content moderation services is an effective way. Some immersive technologies, like simulations, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality, are highly successful. If you are releasing textbooks,

  1. Hyperlink the information to both internal and external sources.
  2. Use 3D to bring abstract concepts to life.
  3. Provide a simulated setting for students to practise challenging concepts in a virtual environment that mimics the real world.

The combination of high-quality content and innovative use of immersive technology is ideal for digital content transformation. It is also essential for capturing the attention of modern readers and standing out in a sea of free content.

Breaking Barriers in Digital Content Transformation With Cultural Change

Aside from technology, one of the greatest challenges of digital content transformation is implementing a cultural shift within the organisation. As stated previously, individuals are resistant to change. Added to this is the fear of becoming outdated as a result of the adoption of technology. Therefore, it is essential to lay the groundwork for digital content transformation. This would necessitate gaining the trust of all stakeholders and introducing behavioural change and the intent to implement new methods and technologies. This could be successfully accomplished via training.

The takeaway

Any effective digital content transformation integrates systemic and procedural modifications necessitated by a shift in the technological environment. A strategy or plan of action that describes and outlines how you will reestablish yourself in the digital landscape is the first move in any fruitful digital content transformation voyage. As the audience’s reading patterns evolve, publishers must innovate and adapt their business models by employing new technologies. In addition, the organisation must undergo a transformation to make its members adaptable to change. However, implementing new technologies is more complicated than it sounds. It necessitates investments in infrastructure and technology, which some publishers may be unable to afford. Contact Opporture, a renowned AI company in North America, to get a viable solution for completing the digital content transformation successfully.

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