
Podcasts Into Blog Posts Using AI: A Step-by-Step Guide
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All About Converting Podcasts into Blog Posts Using AI

Audio is an excellent type of content. Podcasts have been one of the most effective methods for reaching more audiences over the past three years. If you are a podcaster who wishes to convert your work into blogs, you need to look no further. This blog explains how to convert podcasts into blog posts with AI tools. Contact renowned companies providing top-notch content transformation services if you want professional guidance in converting your content.

Transforming Podcasts into Blog Posts is Essential. Why

Learning Styles

Learning styles vary from person to person. While some prefer to learn by reading, a few opt for listening. By transforming audio content into blog posts, you provide a more comprehensive experience for your audience, who prefer reading over listening.

Time restriction

Different people have varying time constraints. Those with hectic work schedules may find it difficult to devote time to podcasts, but blog posts are simple to read during short breaks. Additionally, individuals who travel a lot regularly can easily listen to podcasts. We can accommodate individuals with varying schedules and availability by providing an alternative blog post option.


The shareability of blog posts is greater than that of podcast episodes. Pasting the URL to text messages, social media posts, or emails is all that is required to share a blog post. In contrast, sharing a podcast may necessitate sharing various platform-specific links, which may result in compatibility issues. Blog posts have a greater reach because they can readily go popular on social networks, whereas podcast listens may not increase proportionally.


A website’s search function enables users to rapidly locate specific information, which isn’t possible only with audio content. A text version of the audio content allows users to search for particular topics, keywords or references. This searchability significantly improves user experience and enables efficient information extraction, making it a valuable benefit for converting audio content to blog posts.

Learn How Content Transformation Use AI to Transcribe Your Podcast

You can obtain a complete transcription in minutes using AI tools. Let’s examine a step-by-step guide.

Importing podcast

Click the “Import” icon after logging into a reputable AI tool. You may select a file from your gadget, but remember it must be in video format.

Uploading the video file

Select the podcast file and verify it is only in WebM or MP4 format. The file size must not exceed 100 MB. Once the file is uploaded, the tool will convert your video podcast to text format. Based on your internet speed and the file size, the process takes approximately 10 minutes.

Choosing a template

You have the option to summarise the podcast using various templates. This feature is handy when writing short summaries. You can always modify the template as well as recreate the summary according to your preferences if it does not meet your needs.

Access & edit the transcript

Accessing the full transcript in the same tab as the summary is possible. Here, you can verify the accuracy of the transcript. To access a version of the podcast transcript that can be edited, you must select the “Edit Transcript” button. You can choose the required sentence to edit it. Then pick the sentence and navigate to the particular time stamp in the video. You may listen to the audio file and make changes as needed using this function. Click “Save Changes” when you’re finished and ready to go.

Reasons to Convert Podcasts Into Blog Posts With AI Content Transformation

Traffic on google

The publication of blog posts increases discoverability via search engines such as Google. While Google is biased toward podcasts, blog articles are indexed and ranked more favourably. By offering blog versions, we can take advantage of Google’s traffic and increase the possibilities of reaching a larger audience.


When converted into blog posts, audio content becomes more readily available for non-native English speakers. Hearing English podcasts can be difficult for non-native English speakers, whereas reading facilitates comprehension. The publication of blog posts enables translation via applications such as Google Translate, rendering the content available to a larger international audience.


Through the remark section, blog posts promote participation and feedback. In contrast to podcasts, where commenting is more complex, readers can readily interact with blog posts by leaving comments. These remarks provide insightful observations, corrections and suggestions that improve the content’s overall value and calibre.

The bottomline

Embrace the endless possibilities of podcast-to-blog conversions and investigate the audience and podcasting journey benefits it offers. Contact Opporture in North America, which offers professional AI model training services and helps in converting your podcasts into blog posts in a jiffy.

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