False Negative | Opporture
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Opporture Lexicon

False Negative

A false negative in data science is when a model predicts a specific condition as negative or not present when it is usually positive or present. To be more precise, the model doesn’t find a positive example, so it comes up with a false negative outcome.

Impact of False Negatives

The impact of false negatives are:

1. Medical Diagnosis

False negatives can be especially troublesome in medical diagnosis uses, where a missed treatment can have serious consequences. For instance, if a medical imaging model fails to find a cancerous tumor, a patient’s therapies may be put off, worsening the patient’s condition.

2. Fraud Detection

False negatives can be an issue in fraud detection applications. This is when a model misses a fraudulent activity or transaction, causing a company or person to lose money.

3. Surveillance and Security

False negatives can be a problem in security and surveillance, where a model might miss something like suspicious behavior that could be a security threat.

4. Natural Language Processing

In natural language processing uses like text classification or sentiment analysis, false negatives can be a problem. If a model doesn’t find some phrases or words that are essential for putting text into categories, it could lead to erroneous results.

5. Quality Control

False negatives can be a concern in quality control. For example, a model might not find defective products or parts, which could cause safety or reliability problems.

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