AI-Glossary: Natural Language Query Or NLQ
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Natural Language Query (NLQ)

Natural Language Query is an element of Business Intelligence (BI) software solutions that allows users to ask data-related queries in conversational languages. It is vital in automatic BI reporting, where users can question data using spoken or text-based business terms.

Basically, NLQ relies on NLP or query interpretation and analysis to derive insights in the form of reports or charts for non-technical users.

Applications of NLQ

Voice-activated BI systems

Voice-activated systems rely on NLQ to enable user interaction with data analytics platforms through voice commands. By doing so, NLQ renders data analysis more intuitive and accessible for non-technical users unfamiliar with conventional data query procedures.

E-Commerce product searches

NLQ simplifies e-commerce product searches by allowing users to use natural conversational terms to search for products. It results in better accuracy and relevance in finding specific products, comparing options, and understanding product features, leading to increased customer satisfaction and enhanced shopping experience.

Educational data analysis

Using natural languages, NLQ facilitates access to critical data, resource allocation management, demographic distribution insights, student performance, enrollment figures, and other educational metrics. NLQ’s simplicity of asking conversational queries is vital in enabling data-driven decisions and strategies to ensure the betterment of the students and the institution

Market research

NLQ-based market research is more efficient in analyzing consumer data, competitors, and market trends. Using the technology, researchers can interact with large datasets in conversational language. NLQ facilitates the identification of consumer patterns, tracking market changes, extracting actionable insights, and conducting competitor analysis.

HR Analytics

Integrating NLQ with HR analytics significantly enhances the efficiency and accessibility of analyzing employee-related data. Utilizing NLQ, HR departments can extract deeper insights about workforce management in a more user-friendly manner.


1. IS NLQ capable of handling data queries in multiple languages?

The existing NLQ tools can handle specific languages and advancements that support multilingual queries. This ability largely depends on the complexity of the languages and the tool’s design.

2. How is NLQ different from SQL queries?

NLQ is more advanced than traditional SQL queries, which rely on specific syntax and database structures. Utilizing NLQ, users can query data with routine languages- a convenience that makes data analysis more accessible to users unfamiliar with SQL.

3. How suitable is NLQ for complex data analysis tasks?

NLQ is unsuitable for complex data analysis, requiring extensive data manipulation or understanding complicated data relationships. It is better suited for simple and straightforward queries.

4. How does AI improve NLQ capabilities?

Machine Learning particularly boosts the ability of the tool to accurately comprehend and interpret NLQs and provide more relevant answers.

5. Are NLQs secure enough to handle sensitive data?

Natural Language Query systems depend on the underlying platforms’ robust security measures. Therefore, while integrating NLQ tools with the platforms, it is imperative to implement adequate data security and privacy protection mechanisms.
Related Terms

Machine Learning Natural Language Processing

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