N | Opporture
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Category: N

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Natural Language Query (NLQ)

Natural Language Query is an element of Business Intelligence (BI) software solutions that allows users to ask data-related queries in conversational languages. It is vital

Natural Language Technology (NLT)

Natural Language Technology (NLT) is an AI subdomain focussing on human language and computer interaction. Under NLT come all other language-related techniques, such as Natural

Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF)

Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) is a deep learning technique used to reconstruct 3D representations of scenes from a set of sparse 2D images. NeRFs operate

Named Entity Recognition (NER)

As the term implies, Named Entity Recognition (NER) is the process of identifying and extracting entities from unstructured text data. It is an AI technology

Natural Language Generation

Natural Language Generation, or NLG, is a part of Artificial Intelligence that generates easy-to-understand language for humans. It is a part of Natural Language Processing,

Null Error Rate

The Null Error Rate is a valuable metric to measure the performance of an algorithm against the majority class. It indicates the percentage of incorrect

Not Suitable for Work (NSFW)

NSFW is an acronym used to denote content deemed unsuitable for professional settings due to its potentially offensive, provocative, or distressing nature. When applied in


Real-world data, which is used as an input for data mining algorithms, can be affected by several variables. Noise is one of the most common


In machine learning, Neurons serve as distinct units within a single hidden layer of a Neural Network. Each Neuron functions by executing a two-step action:

Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Processing is a sub-discipline of Artificial Intelligence that equips machines with the capacity to comprehend, interpret and operate human language. NLP involves some

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